"[Posting your thought on the Internet] is kind of like throwing messages in bottles out into a churning sea made up entirely of messages in bottles"
- Lost on the Old Web Waxing philosophical about this site's purpose again
- The bait and switch model of web design
- Crash Course Sucks and what to do instead
- Influencer A word that became inexplicably popular
- Lost YouTube Videos List of videos I wish I could find again
- The Antisocial Internet Social media has harmed the Internet
Everything Else
- Paranoia in the Church: A firsthand account The spirit of Charles Coughlin lives on
- How to output 240p from a Raspberry Pi Play old games on an old TV
- My most interesting Minecraft story
- Music Videos MTV was never good
- Essay about being gay Very personal, probably offensive
- A note about the appearance of the Earth The Earth isn't flat, but it does look like CGI
- What is it about the year 2012?
- Cave Paintings
- Smiling in Photographs
- GUI Philosophy