

This website is for thoughts about technology, in fact all my thoughts are about technology without exception. I based my website on a terminal, which I hope you noticed. Lain is my favorite anime of all time, I can't wait to finally watch it.

Software Recommendations

- Hypercarry, a terminal-only program for moving files between directories.
- Waifu Eye 2.0, a terminal-only image viewer.
- Snoozer Player, a terminal-only audio player.
- KafkaBoxer, an absolutely essential window tiler.
- TexHTTP(S), a terminal-only Internet browser.
- My recommended distro is 4MLinux... just kidding it's Debian.

I also recommend ThinkPad laptops because I heard they used to be good when Bush was president.


AI generated average GNU/Linux user

Change theme:
- Nord
- Solarized
- Gruvbox