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- Personal Websites
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- Open Game Conversions
- Web Museums
- Custom GUIs
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Dedicated Pages: Flash | Old School Fansites | Conspiracy
- Personal Websites
- Internet Explorer is EVIL!
Old Internet Explorer hate site, view on the wayback machine to see his rants going back to 1998
The Graphical User Interface Gallery Overview of computer GUIs going back decades - Android Arts Fanart & game concepts
- SF Debris Sci-fi reviews
- CornPoneFlicks Movie reviewer and Harlock fan
- FirebrandX Technical posts about old game consoles
- Planetocopia
Alternate Earths, Mars & Venus terraformed, and more
The World Dream Bank Dream journals with art - The Best Page in the Universe Funny opinionated articles, slowed down after 2016
- Terminal 00 Weird art project
- The Wanderling Supernatural stories
- Pacific Northwest tree octopus Help us save them from extinction
- Useful Websites
- Internet Archive If this had a powerful internal search engine, would it be more useful than Google?
- Monkeytype Learn to type faster
- Google Trends See the popularity of search terms since 2004, good for research
- Google Books Ngrams Viewer See the popularity of different words or phrases through history, good for research
- Hardcore Gaming 101 Information about obscure games
- NEXLAB Satellite and Radar detailed weather radar maps, try playing around with the options. It has local and continental radar
- Weather Underground Maps Catalog bloat-free weather radar maps
- Random Face Generator (This Person Does Not Exist) Instantly make yourself look like a respectable journalist by doxing your face
- How to destroy the Earth For years I thought this fun little page was lost. Found again using Brave search, make of that what you will.
- Maps
- David Rumsey Map Collection Huge collection of historical maps
- Cartographers Guild For fantasy map fans
- NEXLAB Satellite and Radar detailed weather radar maps, try playing around with the options. It has local and continental radar
- Weather Underground Maps Catalog bloat-free weather radar maps
- VGMaps.com ripped game maps
- SpaceTrek - Galaxymap Map for a Star Trek fangame
- Planetocopia Alternate Earths, Mars & Venus terraformed, and more
- The R.D.D. Nickel Atlas of the Universe
Being a collection of maps authored by Sir Ryley David Douglas Nickel esq representing man's domain in the universe.
- Ian-Albert.com ripped game maps, personal site
- NESMaps.com ripped NES maps
- Maps for Lux Delux Risk style maps
- Atomic Rockets - Space Maps Lots of detailed maps of space, putting all those pretty pictures you've seen into context
- An Atlas of The Universe Aliased maps showing space at different scales
- Flood Map Simple street maps showing you any level of sea level rise, including unrealistic and impossible ones.
- Deviantart is another good source of cool maps.
- Good Articles
- McMansion Hell funny critiques of McMansions, learn about architecture too
- Why Johnny can't code David Brin wishes BASIC was still taught in schools. Interesting point about computers becoming locked-down consumption devices.
- What If A Collapse Happened And Nobody Noticed? What if we're already in one?
- Filthy Pants: A Computer Blog blog with useful posts about emulation
- Pepsi Breathtaking Ever wonder what the design document for a $1 million logo redesign looks like?
- Who Bullies the Bullies? An article about class and the demonization of Internet anonymity
- Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real Reproducibility problem in psychology.
- A Maze of Murderscapes: Metroid II Metroid II review with a very personal perspective
- Metroid: Other M Vault
- Ron D. Moore Q&A Ronald Moore discusses his time writing for Star Trek Voyager and the failure of it's premise
- '90s Dad Thrillers: a List
Attempting to define a style of triller movie that existed from 1988-2002.
- Worldbuilding
- History: Past, Future, and Fake An exercise in making up sci-fi history
- Magic and Fantasy Fiction Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | What historical magic actually was and why Christians consider it evil
- Giant in the Playground - Gaming D&D Worldbuilding articles by Rich Burlew, removed from his site in 2020. There were more articles in older captures, but they're more 3.5 specific.
- Planetocopia Alternate Earths, Mars & Venus terraformed, and more
- Cartographers Guild For fantasy map fans
- Orion's Arm Universe Project The worldbuilding is honestly rather bad, (with the exception of the Technocalypse.) But as an encyclopedia of realistic sci-fi ideas it's pretty good.
- Donjon Random Generators
- Atomic Rockets learn rocket science
- The Spectacular Story Of Metroid, One Of Gaming's Richest Universes Love letter to Metroid's weird lore. Pictures are broken in the non-archived version, but you can read the comments there if you want.
- Welcome to Medieval America Worldbuilding project
- The R.D.D. Nickel Timeline of the World
Being a plain outline of the history of the universe and mankind by Sir Ryley David Douglas Nickel esq.
- The R.D.D. Nickel Atlas of the Universe
Being a collection of maps authored by Sir Ryley David Douglas Nickel esq representing man's domain in the universe.
- History
- LacusCurtius Translated Greek and Latin texts
- Ancient Visions Ancient and Medieval concepts for the way our eyes work
- David Rumsey Map Collection Huge collection of historical maps
- ChinesePosters.net Chinese propaganda posters from 1925-Present
- Game Resources
- Video Game Music Archive midi game covers, useful if you want to see how a song was put together
- KHInsider's Video Game Music game soundtracks
- Mirsoft midi game rips
- VGMaps.com ripped game maps
- Ian-Albert.com ripped game maps, personal site
- NESMaps.com ripped NES maps
- ModDB Mod site #1
- Gamebanana Mod site #2
- Nexus Mods Mod site #3
- ROMhacking.net Rom hacks
- OpenGameArt.org Kitchen sink collection of free game assets
- Freesound Sound effects
- Archive: GameAudioGDC Sound effects, long professional recording
- The Spriters Resource sprite sheets
- Music
- Bandcamp did you know you can still own the music you listen to?
- VI Control Forums for composing with virtual instruments. Hans Zimmer posts here.
- OverClocked ReMix game remixes
- KHInsider's Video Game Music game soundtracks
- The Mod Archive .MOD music collection
- Video Game Music Archive midi game covers, useful if you want to see how a song was put together
- VirtualMIDISynth make your midi files sound good, links to soundfonts
- Mirsoft midi game rips
- Open Game Conversions
- Open Xcom Open-source recreation of X-Com: UFO Defense
- Daggerfall Workshop Daggerfall recreation in the Unity engine
- Web Museums
- Web Design Museum screenshots of websites from the 90s and 2000s
- Winamp Skin Museum gigantic archive of Winamp skins
- Library of Congress Web Cultures Web Archive Your tax dollars are preserving creepypasta
- How Flash Ganes shaped the video game industry Interesting visualisation of Flash's popularity over time
- GifCities Middle click on gifs to see the geocities pages they used to be on
- Custom GUIs
- WinCustomize skins for stardock & other desktop programs. People went wild with this back in the XP days, you can still view old skins
- Boxshots blackbox skins collection
- Icon Archive Many artstyles avalible
- macOS icons Big Sur style icons in Mac (icns) format. I've used Inkscape to convert some to png and GIMP to convert to ico.
- Currently rainmeter skins are a popular way to customize the Windows desktop, however these tend to all have the same "clean" style, with functionality optimized for people who don't use many programs. I find these older screenshots more interesting, although most won't work anymore.
- Uncategorized
- Sea and Sky Old educational website, one of the first I ever came across.
- 70s Sci-Fi Art
Incredibly imaginative sci-fi and fantasy art of the 1970s. This blog is probably the most comprehensive collection on the Internet, though I can't help but imagine if image dumps like this were actual curated websites, with features like dates and artist categories.
- Build The Enterprise
A website suggesting we build the starship Enterprise in real life.
- Let's Play Archive
Before YouTube there were text Let's Plays. This is an archive of them.