2016 . . . 2021
1. A gopher emerges from a hole.
4. A banana spider (golden orb-weaver) in Florida. Don't walk between the trees here.
6. A baby praying mantis.
7/8. Baby racoons plan their escape from a shelter.
2021 . . . 2022
1. A half-feral cat who did not mind me approaching to take a picture.
2. A small crab hides in the crevice of a water-bleached log.
3. Another crab buries itself in sand.
4. This is the strangest looking squirrel I've ever seen.
5. A peacock struts around a suburban neighborhood.
6. An opossum in a pile of garbage.
7/8. Canadian geese in Florida.
2022 . . . 2022
1. Acrobatic squirrel.
2/3. A dog with heterochromia glares at me.
4. A tiny frog.
5. What is this, a stink bug?
6. A shiny green blowfly
7. Housefly