Index » Dreams » Neon Flowers
Dreamed on 8/29/22 - Posted 10/29/22

Neon Flowers

When I woke up, I completely forgot about this dream. I was only later that day when part of it suddenly came back to me.

I was in a large dark house. It seemed to be 100 years old from the style, but it had been well maintained. The owner of the house was a man who seemed much older than he looked, with a stern and patriarchal demeanor. He told me that I was forbidden from leaving the house.

Later that day I snuck out.

Outside, everything looked grey and foggy. I was in a rural place with farms and winding roads, the occasional windmill.

There were other people out there, always alone. Perhaps they were like me, but I steered clear of them. Something else might have been out there, strange creatures I can only vaguely remember now.

the flowers and stripes on the walls glowing in the dark

I returned to the house. That night I snuck out again. Nearby was another house with some of the walls and roof missing, or maybe a tall fence wrapped around an inner structure. Stepping over the wall was like entering another world. Everything had glowing blue neon outlines, particularly on the walls and on the flowers that grew inside.