Index » Dreams » Flying Elevator
Dreamed on 7/10/21 - Posted 10/29/22

Flying Elevator

Later that night...

I was in a place that looked like a sterile lab. Some of the walls between the rooms and hallways had glass windows. The rooms were lit with bright blue LEDs.

I knew I had to leave this place, but there were no obvious exits anywhere in sight. A stranger was with me, and we both had an ally in the building who could point us in the right direction.

We soon found a possible way up - a water reservoir made from concrete, with a cloudy sky visible from a narrow gap at the top. We started to climb. It was a very long way up, and as we climbed, water poured down on us and made the walls slippery. Eventually we realized that we couldn't escape this way. We went back to the underground labs, trying to be quieter this time, but it was for nothing. A group of antagonists ran into us a fight broke out. After ducking into a room and hiding, we then made our way to an elevator.

On the outside of the elevator was a large switch. The other person pulled it down, and jumped with me inside. The elevator plummeted, descending fast enough to make my stomach flip.

The elevator had doors and walls that were transparent. Part-way during our decent, half of the shaft opened up so that the elevator had an open view as it traveled along the side of a massive skyscraper.

the tower surrounded by a savannah

For the first time I was able get a good look at where I was. It was a white building hundreds of stories tall, science fiction-like in it's appearance and covered in yellow window lights. The building curved and widened as it reached the ground floor, like a letter "A", and at the bottom it intersected various smaller buildings in a gigantic complex.

Surrounding the building was a savannah, with flat trees and dry grass all around to the horizon. The sun had just set, so that twilight was changing into night.

The elevator plummeted toward the ground, and then rushed passed it, continuing to descend underground. I broke a hole in the window, reached my hand out and pulled on the switch again. The elevator started to rise, past the ground floor and into the air again.

The elevator then broke free from it's shaft, but instead of dropping, it glided towards the ground in a wide arc, as though it was still attached to the building by an gravity-defying invisible cable.

It sailed across the savannah, slowly spinning and gliding closer towards the ground. The tower appeared small and smaller as we flew away from it. In the opposite direction I saw a gathering of tents and people along a river. It looked to be some kind of market. Lamps lit up the ground around them as the twilight became night. The elevator landed in a tree nearby.