2023 [2022]
2023 May
- May-4: New layout experiment, updated the GUI article. Minor fixes.
2023 April
- Apr-23: New gallery. This is the biggest update in terms of file size.
- Apr-21: Cleanup of various extras pages, fixing broken links and improving the look of things.
- Apr-16: New gallery page. This one has animal pictures, perhaps there will be others? I found a good combination of layout and image-compression for this sort of thing.
- Apr-14: On second thought, giving the extras page a light theme was a mistake.
- Apr-5: Added a new section to the Link Dump.
- Apr-3: Update to the graveyard. I'm sure I could find plenty more dead bookmarks if I dug up my old hard drives, but for now the list is limited by my memory. Also, pictures on the front page are randomized now.
2023 March
- Mar-28: More updates to the code page. It was getting unwieldy, so now it's been broken up into multiple pages.
- Mar-27: Updated various pages under extras section.
- Mar-21: A new GeoCities style page.
- Mar-17: Surprise movie review.
- Mar-6: Site now has a proper mobile version after months of deciding it "didn't look too broken." Whose idea was it to make "don't trash my layout on mobile" an opt-in feature anyway?
- Mar-3: The site-wide theme has been replaced. The navbar is pure CSS, and will revert back to text if the stylesheet is changed. About page has been updated - check there for banner credit and some archives. Almost all pages declare character encoding now, meaning I can theoretically have good typography now. That also means the site passes W3C's Markup Validation test, which I assume means the site is objectivley better than mainstream ones which throw dozens of errors.
- Mar-2: I was planning on posting about Windows 10 or something but instead I wrote a novel about a preacher.
2023 February
- Feb-7: What was the extras page missing? Ah yes, GeoCities-esque graphical vomit everywhere.
- Feb-2: Some new links for the link dump, randomized mock ads.
2023 January
- Jan-28: It's not done, but I started a 1996 homepage to go with the 1994 one.
- Jan-23: The 1994-style homepage has been overhauled and split into different pages.
- Jan-12: I staggered back to this site while fighting illness to upload my most unpleasant content yet: A Web 2.0 Simulator. Because of the terrifying bulk of those hero images, my site surpassed 2MB in size, which was the maximum limit for GeoCities users until 1997 according to someone.